Anaglyph – One & Multi Page Creative WordPress Theme
ANAGLYPH is creative One and Multi Page template with modern flat, minimalistic and clean look. Impress your clients with new
three dimensional look of your page. Put your 3D glasses on and enjoy new web experience. This template is suitable
for agency, portfolio site, landing page or any kind of business. Watch video and try free version on
Flat and Clean Design
- One page, multi page, shop
- Responsive & Retina Ready
- Bootstrap 3 grid 1170px
- Parallax Scrolling
- WordPress 4.9.5 ready
- WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.7
- WooCommerce – support of the latest versions
- WPML ready
- 15 Layered PSD files
- Translated to English, French and Russian
- Well Documentation
- Full Google AMP Support
Powerful Theme options
- Adding your Logo
- Google Analytics field
- Display options
- Single post layout
- Styling options
- Flex Slider
- Header options
- Menu options
- Modern web fonts options
- Social media profiles
- Contact form
- Footer options
- Counters
- Custom code
- WooCommerce options
- Import / Export
Custom post types
- Portfolio
- Team members
Blog post formats
- Standard
- Aside
- Image
- Video
- Audio
- Quote
- Link
- Gallery
- Chat
Visual composer shortcodes
- Text block
- Headline
- Infobox
- Portfolio section
- Testimonials
- Team section
- Price box
- Blog section
- Quote Section
- Google Maps
- Button
- Icon
- Separator text
- Columns
- Faq
- Single image
- Vertical tabs
- Horizontal tabs
- Accordion
- Video Player
- Raw HTML
- Pie Chart
- Message Box
- Progress bar
- Flickr widget
- Facebook like
- Tweetmeme Button
- Google+ Button
- Pinterest Button
- WooCommerce Product display
Recommended WordPress plugins
- WooCommerce
- Maintenance
- Contact form 7
- WP Retina 2x
- Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
- en_US
- ru_RU
- fr_FR
Watch video
In collections
- Web design – ThemeStarz
- Bootstrap Framework –
- Redux Framework –
- Visual Composer –
- Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress –
- jQuery FlexSlider –
- jQuery Isotope –
- jQuery Validation Plugin –
- jQuery FlexVerticalCenter –
- jQuery Vanillabox –
- jQuery OwlCarousel –
- jQuery Waypoints
- jQuery Placeholder –
- Retina.js –
- scrollReveal.js –
- html5.js –
- Respond.js –
- Modernizr –
- Google fonts
- Icons
- Images
- Images
- Images
Change Log
Version 4.2 – 21.08.2018
New: Tested on WordPress 5.2.2 Update: WPBakery Page Builder 6.5.0 Update: Envato Market 2.0.1 Update: Update libs TGM 2.6.1 Update: Woocommerce templates
Version 4.1 – 04.05.2018
New: Tested on WordPress 4.9.5 New: AMP plugin support for Product and Post pages New: Add wpml support Update: WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.7 Update: Update libs. Minify js, css Update: Updated woocommerce templates Update: Updated dummy data Update: Deprecated woocommerce func Bug fix: Css bugs fixed Bug fix: Woocommerce styles bug fix Bug fix: Fix scrollReveal js bug
Version 4.0 – 04.01.2018
Bug fix: Styles, scripts and layout Bug fix: Audit by the Theme Check plugin Bug fix: Fixed landing page navigation Bug fix: Multisite conflict Bug fix: PHP 7.2 support Bug fix: Products shortcode filter Bug fix: Rating products Bug fix: Setting microdata structuring Change: Domain Change: Http to https links Change: Plugins initialization Change: Removed links to plugin files Change: Templates versions Update: Core plugin added Update: Dummy data Update: File links verification Update: Deprecated WooCommerce js library 'prettyphoto' Update: Replaced deprecated WooCommerce functions Update: Translation
Version 3.0.1 – 07.07.2017
Added: https support in srcset Added: Dummy-data Bug fix: Error upon plugins installing
Version 3.0 – 20.06.2017
- Bug fix: Add std to team section - Bug fix: Lanuages strings update - Bug fix: Remove external height on single portfolio carousel - Bug fix: Remove external height on portfolio testimonials section - Bug fix: Products per row in WooCommerce products shortcode - Bug fix: Remove sticky pre_get_posts - Bug fix: Anaglyph not compatible to WooCoomerce 3.0.x concerning select2 - Bug fix: Edit gallery, zoom, popup for single product page - Improvement: Default link color for contact form in footer - Improvement: Slider height on small screens - Improvement: Header options adjusted - New: Added an option to change hamburger menu color - New: Added style for em tag - New: Add options for testimonials project section - New: Add google maps api key and add container to edit link - Update: Woocommerce fix update templates
Version 2.9.2 – 20.07.2016
- Update: TGM plugins replace on remote server - Update: links color options - Update: headlines color option - Update: WooCommerce 2.6.2 support - Update: Visual composer 4.12 - Bug fix: only approved comments visible in post count - Bug fix: fatal error with inactive redux - Bug fix: date on some languages - Bug fix: redux showing errors - Bug fix: one page menu mode - Bug fix: WooCommerce Single product shortcode - Bug fix: WooCommerce columns problem - Bug fix: google+ share button
Version 2.9.1 – 26.04.2016
- Update: Visual composer - Update: jquery.scrollTo.js
Version 2.9 – 14.04.2016
- New: Accessibility ready - New: Main sidebar - New: Enable/disable parallax for slider - New: Display options, Select Post Preview - Update: Visual Composer 4.11.2 - Bug fix: multilevel submenu - Bug fix: Post date for some languages
Version 2.8 – 29.02.2016
- New: Redux Framework moved to plugin territory - New: theme options - slider subtitle typography - New: theme options - contact form button and font color - Improvements: options - fixed header for all pages - Update: WooCommerce 2.5.2 support - Update: Visual Composer 4.10 - Update: Documentation - Update: One page demo .xml file - Bug fix: blog shortcode "read more" button by default - Bug fix: RTL portfolio - Bug fix: Google map shortcode on single page layout non-scrollable. - Bug fix: The background image for the counters section doesn't scale on mobile
Version 2.7 – 11.01.2016
- Update: Visual composer 4.9.1 - Update: WordPress 4.4.1 ready - Update: WooCommerce 2.4.12 ready - Improvements: RTL
Version 2.6 – 10.11.2015
- Update: Visual composer 4.8.1 - Update: Localize - Update: Demo content .xml files - Improvement: Parallax settings now in section settings - Bug fix: Woo Products attributes
Version 2.5 – 05.11.2015
- Update: Visual composer - Bug fix: update anaglyph shortcodes for latest Visual composer.
Version 2.4.1 – 06.10.2015
- Update: Visual composer 4.7.4 - Bug fix: only approved comments visible in post count. - Update: Demo content .xml files
Version 2.4 – 21.09.2015
- Update: Visual composer - Update: TGM plugin activation 2.5.2 - New options: "Animation Off" - New: options "Animation off for mobiles only" - Bug fix: Google maps default zoom value - Bug fix: Comments reply button - Bug fix: Woocommerce active tab color - Bug fix: WordPress Gallery shortcode
Version 2.3 – 23.06.2015
- Update: Visual composer 4.5.3 - Update: TGM plugin activation - Update: Redux Framework - Bug fix: Scrollto in achor menu - Bug fix: Theme options, slider, off
Version 2.2 – 02.04.2015
- New: 15 Layered PSD files - New: Additional options for menu styling - Update: OwlCarousel - Update: WooCommerce - Update: Visual Composer 4.4.3 - Bug fix: Scroll amount on disable fixed header
Version 2.1 – 04.03.2015
- New: options for sticky header - New: Blog listing shortcode, new options "Show/hide read more button" - New: option, Display number of comments - New: show/hide featured image on single post page (display options) - New: Font styles for menu - Improvements: Headline text, new option "align left, alight right, align center" - Improvements: Hedline text, color for sub title - Update: Visual composer 4.4.2 - Bug fix: Display authors for posts - Bug fix: Blog section and sidebar
Version 2.0.1 – 30.12.2014
- Update: Visual composer 4.3.5 - Update: WordPress 4.1 support - New: Translation fr_FR
Version 2.0 – 28.11.2014
- New: Visual composer 4.3.4 moved to plugin territory - Improvements: Portfolio shortcode, new option: link to inner page or popup with image - Improvements: Social media links target="_blank" added - Bug fix: Portfolio single page, if 1 image in gallery - Bug fix: Team shortcode, position of social icon.
Version 1.9 – 07.11.2014
- New: Shortcode "Single product" with gallery. - New: Font styles, sybset field - Bug fix: Fancybox overlay on header
Version 1.8 – 10.10.2014
- New option: Slider, background color for slider headline - New option: Slider title, font styles - New option: Fonts styles, "Text transform" added - New option: Footer, submit button color - New option: Footer, icons color - New option: Contact, anaglyph contact form or "Contact form 7" plugin - Improvements: Shortcode portfolio, new fields. Title and "Detail" button - Improvements: Anaglyph contact form builder, new fields: Mobile, Phone, Captcha - Improvements: Team section shortcode, team members alignment center if 2 or 3 - Update: Demo content dummy_data.xml - Bug fix: One page mode, main navigation from single page - Bug fix: Owl Carousel autoPlay bug fix
Version 1.7 – 17.09.2014
- New option: Menu, font size - New: Envato toolkit plugin added in TGM activation - Improvements: WooCommerce product shortcode, added taxonomies filter field - Improvements: Extra margin removed in footer - Improvements: PHP, JS, CSS code optimization - Update: WooCommerce 2.2.2 ready - Update: WordPress 4.0 ready - Update: Visual composer 4.3.4 - Update: Redux framework - Bug fix: Shortcode headline, no margin not working - Bug fix: Single image shortcode, image link - Bug fix: Wooproducts shortcode, Product taxonomy - Bug fix: Retina logo - Bug fix: Portfolio inner page - Bug fix: Mobile menu height position with offset
Version 1.6 – 05.08.2014
- New option: single default header image - New shortcode: Visual composer sidebar added - Improvements: one page scrollto navigation with header offset - Improvements: one page navigation hash removed - Improvements: additional loc. text - Improvements: added wp-link-pages - Improvements: added comment reply - Bug fix: contact form styles - Bug fix: one page checkbox
Version 1.5 – 24.07.2014
- New option: Slider animation effects - Improvements: WooCommerce product shortcode, new display options - Improvements: Parallax background for sections - Improvements: Parallax background disabled for touch devices - Improvements: RTL additional styles - Update: Latest Redux Framework - Bug fix: Slider, slides URL - Bug fix: Header background color - Bug fix: Responsive long menu on touch devices - Bug fix: Skype icon link - Bug fix: Add taxonomy button
Version 1.4 – 09.07.2014
- New demo page: shop - New option: Additional field contact form, "Worried about a SPAM?" - New styles: WooCommerce select and textarea fields - Improvements: WooCommerce Responsive styles - Improvements: locate_template for Child theme - Improvements: sub menu and main navigation - Update: Demo content dummy_data.xml - Bug fix: Portfolio for touch devices - Bug fix: Userpic in admin bar responsive version - Bug fix: Visual Composer Headline text shortcode - Bug fix: Visual Composer Product shortcode, carousel option
Version 1.3 – 19.06.2014
- Bug fix: One page menu on single pages - One page menu: New css class "team" (optional) - One page menu: New css class "portfolio" (optional) - Revolution slider support - Layerslider support
Version 1.2 – 17.06.2014
- New option: enable/disable smooth scroll - Bug fix: WooCommerce sale label with alert - Bug fix: pricing table last table - Bug fix: WooCommerce variable product reset - Css improvements
Version 1.1 – 13.06.2014
- Portfolio: Gallery images align center - WooCommerce: Additional CSS styles - WooCommerce: Hover effect for products in catalog - Bug fix: Post format chat - Bug fix: Copyright extra link removed - Css improvements - PHP 5.2+ version support
Version 1.0 – 10.06.2014
- Initial release